quinta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2014

Stories of Paraná - Poles in northern Paraná

Stories of Paraná - Poles in northern Paraná

Poles in northern Paraná
Mariano Kawka

The responsible for the colonization of much of the land north of Paraná Land Company was the Northern Parana, the Brazilian subsidiary of Paraná Plantations Ltd., whose formation was due to the initiative of some farmers from São Paulo, knowledgeable fertility of red earth, and willing to take advantage it to the coffee culture, and managed to sensitize entrepreneurs Englishmen, in the person of Simon Joseph Fraser (Lord Lovat), in the region to apply the necessary capital for the colonization of these lands.
The Paraná Plantations Ltd. was established in London in 1925. Between that year and 1927, its subsidiary, the Company Lands Northern Parana (later Company Improvements North of the Paraná) acquired a total of 1,246,300 acres (12,463 km ^) of vacant land, located on the left bank of the river Paranapanema between rivers and Tibagy Ivaí by installing a high camp 22 kilometers from the river Tibagy, which arise after the city of Londrina.
The settlement was made by the system of small farms and at the time, there was an intense propaganda to attract settlers to the region of diverse nationalities.
An employee of the Company, the engineer Ignatius Szankowski, booked a fertile area, 15 kilometers from Londrina to be settled by Poles.
It was through one of these propaganda leaflets that in 1932, the Polish Cebulski Edward, surveyor and landowner in Santa Catarina, noted that "promised land" and decided to meet her.
Excited by what he saw and heard, Cebulski invited several heads of households Colony Polish Pines, in the highlands of Santa Catarina, to be acquainted with the new "Eldorado". New buyers were coming from various locations in Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, southern Paraná and São Paulo.
It was necessary to choose a name for the new colony.
A meeting was organized in the open, with residents sitting in an important peroba newly felled.
John Langowski, one present, suggested the name Warta, a river of Poland.
Your suggestion, applauded, was accepted immediately, and so was baptized the "equity" and future district.
Within this same colonization scheme was planned colony Gleba Orleans (which means "little eagle"), located 15 kilometers Arapongas.
Before the arrival of the first transport of Polish and Ukrainian settlers of Europe, we find there some pioneers Poles, who had come on their own.
It was some single guys, who generally worked in road construction.
They were the lords Golas, Macur, Olszewski and Pochwatka.
In 1937 several Polish and Ukrainian families from Europe settled in the colony.
Later Polish settlers came from southern Paraná and Santa Catarina. And to be noted that some aspects of the original plan of colonization could not be executed, through no fault of the Company's colonizing, but because the outbreak of the Second World War interrupted definitely the massive influx of migrants from Poland to Brazil.

Mariano Kawka, teacher

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Killing in the backcountry

Stories of Paraná - Killing in the backcountry

Killing in the backcountry
Ivo Nalce

By the late '50s, and even a little more, the region Tibagy, Reserve, lived in fury bandit allies, or generated from politicians. Banditry raged promoted by the heads of politicking site.
Morning of Tuesday, January 6, 1930, Carlos Soebel opens the warehouse Orlando Soare See the back window broken into footprints of many people and about six contos in stolen goods.
Who was it who was not? The boy Gabriel unravels the mystery: was the band of his boss Gabriel Bueno da Cunha, called the "Lantern of our hinterland." To prove brought some stolen items and reports that the gang is hiding Paved, two leagues from the city.
The delegate Joaquim Carneiro will not, but sends the cable Angelo Fultert and the soldier José Santos (all reserve police force) in search of the bandits.
Will volunteer civilian Abilio Barbosa. The boy Gabriel is attached to show the hideout.
Knowing that the band is numerous, the lawyer Mario Santos will call for reinforcements to Ponta Grossa.
Time passes and nothing Hunters bandits return to the city, the night falls.
On the morning of Wednesday, the boy Gabriel returns and tells what happened: ^ When they arrived near the lair of the bandits, the cable Angelo sends the boy stay behind waiting for reinforcements.
After a while Gabriel hears the shooting, has over twenty shots.
Hiding in the bush where overnight, morning peeps and has five bodies stretched on the floor.
Reservation residents are horrified at the story of the boy.
Popular Paved and go to "Lantern" did not let anyone get close and warns that kills whoever comes.
Police reinforcements requests do not appear, police in Ponta Grossa wanted to pay three hundred thousand reis for the transportation of troops, five hundred drivers wanted to meddle in their trucks mud road only one day of heavy rain.
In Reserve, the pharmacist José Andrade, seeing that they could not rely on law enforcement, armed and meets some locals decide to attack the flock of Gabriel Bueno da Cunha.
Front will the pharmacist and two men with Winchesters, just behind comes ten men armed with handguns.
When you arrive at the barn where they were bandits, Gabriel Bueno da Cunha and three henchmen surrender without resistance.
They say that the head was another famous bandit of the region, Major Salvador.
Salvador is dead in bed yet as the 38 in hand, beside the woman Colac.
In the paddock in front of the barn, in the mud in the rain, the bodies of the cable Angelo and civil Abilio Barbosa. The body of the soldier José Barbosa is not found.
José Barbosa will appear later in the story who fled at the time of the shooting.
The reinforcements finally arrive Ponta Grossa, 15 soldiers.
The corpses are taken to reserve, tied on the backs of horses.
Performed the autopsy, it appears that the cable and civilian were killed with shots to the back.
Actually, what happened during the shooting? No one can explain.
An unsolved mystery of the many mysteries of a region of Paraná where banditry prevailed protected by politicking.

Ivo Nalce historian

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - homage Camera Leal

Stories of Paraná - homage Camera Leal

Homage Camera Leal
Rui Pinto

Luis Antonio Chamber Leal was the illustrious son of Sao Paulo.
Among other dotes was a journalist, poet, musician and speaker ample resources, but above all, was a lawyer for Nail paternal descent and fruitful devotion to Direct, producing extensive work that earned him national renown.
Natural Taubaté, in 1893, his father was appointed attorney in the Paraíba Valley, and his grandfather, along with the contributions made to the legal letters, was the first judge of Curitiba, police chief and even vice-president of the province.
Among the many works of chamber Leal, recall your Elementary Manual of Civil Law, the Comments to the Brazilian Penal Code, the Theory of the Shares and the Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure of the State of São Paulo, in addition to its Prescription and decay, which , in the words of Aguiar Dias, was in the specialty, the most important contribution of national doctrine, and other more.
For amaze to know that after so rich activity writer and jurist, suddenly even fifties, House Leal emerges in Apucarana in northern Paraná, come alone, by train, to accommodate a very modest pension in the village
Regina, behind the train station, where it will live and sleep in the common room with people of humble condition.
Was there, then, that surprised Elias Farah and took part in their banking lawyer while the lawyer settled as a teacher suplementarista local gym, to ensure you some immediate gain.
Regrettably, however, the House Leal was prematurely aged, ill and nearly blind.
Thereafter, when the news spread of her condition, hands also comparecidas but more influential, and brought him to Curitiba, in late 1953, named interim prosecutor, now available to the Attorney General's Office, where, it appears also gave some of her valuable contribution and lived the meager days of life left to him.
Sick, blind and oblivious, finally died in 1957 at 63 years of age.
It fell to Paraná, thus comforting the final days of the remarkable master São Paulo, although in modest circumstances promoter interim.
In any case, however, was a highly generous gesture of our state that, on the one hand, returned, indirectly, the important role that his grandfather had in the former province, and on the other, yielded a fair and necessary tribute to the eminent jurist São Paulo, so early still cruelly wounded by fate and that in October this year of 93 complete its birth centenary.

Rui Pinto, retired Ombudsman

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - those who have lost

Stories of Paraná - those who have lost

Those who have lost
Marcelo Oikawa

When pulled the ear of disaffection with a weight scale during that fight within his small store, Peter Venancio had no doubts.
Sold everything and left, did not appear anymore in Mouth Oz.
Do what.
That was how he came to Londrina, doing the accounts of dripping and bologna sandwiches that would sell.
Assembled the Bar Londrina and concluded it would get rich in ten years, getting in the way of the settlers who came up on Saturdays to shop in town.
Soon he saw a hot land like an ice cream parlor that was a necessity.
Within a month, his wife and daughter and daughter Jupira Elza, six, were waking up at dawn to beat the cream currant, lemon and toasted coconut.
It was there in the Bar Londrina, spending belly propped on the counter, he saw, year after year, old trucks go up the street in Vila Guarani Casone, laden with coffee, jarring the body.
At the time of the harvest was getting increasingly impatient, eyes shining, to start to find ten years was a long time in the land.
The old trucks loaded prospered their owners, which in turn delivers the coffee machines fell with brand new trucks purchased here close at Ford dealership.
The custom was to stop on your Bar The newest and happy owner of that wonderful green and black with the smell of fresh paint, paid a round of beer, rum, and ice cream sandwich.
To see both old truck loaded up coffee and so lucky to see descend back with new truck and pocketful, Peter sold the bar and bought a cup of coffee.
It took three years to form planting, counting each day with anxiety in the stomach, the day of his first season and his first truck.
It would be in 1953. But in the 53 Northern Paraná met his first black frost.
On the first morning of the event we had gone crazy.
People who walked in carpooling of new trucks, with the nose up, now crazed wandering through the streets, laughing and crying.
In the first week of the event, people who had killed himself.
Peter Venancio, pitted. Lost the plantation.
Deflated. Not killed.
Not mad. But became disillusioned.
I never told anyone what had happened inside.
Only thirty-five years later, sitting in the kitchen daughter Jacira one afternoon confessions, he admitted that he had frost burned their hopes.
He died five years later, at 92, selling sugar cane juice and tack, making the numbers game in the street Maranhão.
Like him, thousands have disappeared in the red dust of time.

Marcelo Oikawa, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The hero and the villain

Stories of Paraná - The hero and the villain

The hero and the villain
Luiz Netto Romaguera

He was the president of the province who gave titles Brazilian citizen naturalization to immigrants who so wished. The French Jorge Leprevost, on January 18, 1879, sworn allegiance to the Constitution and the laws of Brazil, becoming a naturalized Brazilian. The oath was made in the presence of the President of Paraná, Dr. Rodrigo Otavio de Oliveira, being the act secretariat by Mr. Ernesto de Moura Brito.
Mr. Jorge Leprevost moved in Tijucas where, years later, when the Federalist Revolution, already commissioned Captain, find the entrenched powers that be defending the country so well known that you welcome.
He had, among many employees, one of his confidence: his godson named Tiburcio.
Days before the beginning of hostilities in January 1894, had news that one of their sales, just nearby, had been looted and Tiburcio was the spoiler. Can not believe it, for he had asked permission to meet ailing mother waited around to find himself.
When he arrived, he denied everything.
The witnesses denied and he was arrested.
Then he escaped and joined the Federalist troops, which was an informant.
Now Tijucas capitulada, enters the square with the pompous title of Major and shame his former patron. Not satisfied with the insults addressed to him, Leprevost part with his bat unleashing her powerful blow. Receives, in retaliation, shot in the chest, going straight to the hospital, managing to escape with his life.
A few days later, enter the door of the hospital to an unknown soldier, pointing his gun at the head of the captain, ended his life.
It was learned later that the principal outside Tiburcio that Doria covered up by Henry, brother of the governor of the Federalists, flees.
When caught by the Republicans, had horrible death.
Captain Leprevost swore and kept his allegiance to Brazil.
He died with honor.
A few days ago in a television miniseries, throughout Brazil met the story of the coming of some Italian anarchists, forming the famous Cologne Cecilia, there in Palmeira. What they do not know is how it ended.
Colombo Leoni, immigrant, wanting to harass the Brazilian government, which had brought him and received him with open arms, organized an Italian-Brazilian battalion, composed of anarchists.
Met, then the entire colony where men formed groups of robbers and bandits operating in the city of Palm and other neighboring colonies. The strength, all dilapidavam. The battalion became the vanguard of troops Aparicio Saraiva (Federalist).
With this attitude, Colombo Leoni done a great service to those communities, because when this battalion, fleeing to Rio Grande do Sul, fell into the hands of General Pinheiro Machado, this shattered the no escaping any man alive.
There was news that someone has returned to Cologne Cecilia that just disappeared.
Two men - Jorge Colombo Leoni-Leprevost and very different fates. The story took care to tell who was the hero and who the villain.

Romaguera Luiz Netto, a lawyer and member of the Association of Friends of the Public Archives of Paraná.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Grey and frustration

Stories of Paraná - Grey and frustration

Grey and frustration
Moacyr Moura Lamb

The political movement that sought to elect Getúlio Vargas and João Pessoa president and vice president, called "Liberal Alliance", had in the year following its formation in 1930, an amazing growth in Prudentópolis.
Ducks-Old Herbal and only if the candidates spoke of the Alliance.
Caboclos misinformed Rio Ducklings and Matão waged estapafúrdios dialogues like this:
- Nho Mane, who is Vance think will win the inleição?
- Uai, can only be the Getuio Gaspa.
- Hem, home of God.
Vance ta loco.
Nho Gaspa here is the Ducks. The candidate is Getuio Vargas.
They say it is of the South
-Oh! ...
The expansion of the Liberal Alliance was due to family Pereira da Cunha, the surveyor Calió, Teodoro Rocha both Nene and other grandees, and far more than all of them, Dr. Sagy Naked, calculating politician, married to Dr. Naked Walkyria Moreira da Silva, both lawyers.
Concerned about the spread of the opposition, the state government tried to stop the steps of Sagy Naked.
For both named Peter Pierre de Oliveira as police chief Prudentópolis.
Pierre was considered a bad guy and arrogant.
Soon after the inauguration of Pierre, Sagy suffered threats.
It was also reported that he was prohibited from entering the police station.
But Sagy Naked man who was not to be frightened of the frown of the delegate.
Neither he nor Teodoro Rocha Nene. Both continued to propagate the name of Getúlio Vargas.
The first of March, election day was terror to opposition Prudentópolis.
Since the legislation did not provide for the use of one, the voter was obliged to give his vote before the menacing eyes of Pierre and his soldiers.
Despite the bravery of the delegate, had voters playful and provocative.
One of them, the young Jorge Grus, the interior of a truck Techy John, run by the owner, at the instant that the vehicle passed the front of the building where the polling stations were installed, getting up in the stirrup and fender, shouted with all force: - "Viva Vargas!"
Some soldiers flushed, others became pale, but when they decided to react, it was too late. The truck was already gone.
The defeat of Júlio Prestes and his running mate Vital Soares, would mean the failure of the efforts of Pierre. And that was that all present were predicting.
At about fifteen hours, Pierre could not help himself.
Angry, sent incinerate the voting material.
Astonished, the population saw the soldiers
Burned in the public square nifty voting, books and proceedings.
Election, nothing would be left but ashes and frustration.

Moacyr Moura Lamb, a lawyer and professor of history at Prudentópolis

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Pato Branco Mustang

Stories of Paraná - Pato Branco Mustang

Pato Branco Mustang
Fatima Maria Bortot

Year 1949. Pato Branco, Paraná Southwest, had no more than a thousand inhabitants.
Waves of migrants arrived from far places, Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina, mostly.
A new frontier was opening.
Little luggage, very dreams.
That's what happened to two families from Porto Union
Couples still young, settled on a farm, away from the village center.
Other bands, also landed in Pato Branco a guy who worked in a sawmill in the village then called Bonita.
Their stories would intersect dramatically. And bloody.
That day he left work and went to the farm.
Upon returning home, leaves two dead bodies in their wake: a woman and the head of another family.
"Your" Ormazinho Viganò, do not know how, suspicious. The author of the barbaric crime would be the guy.
That night, Viganò, the delegate Chico Bortot God and Abel, who had a 46 Dodge, and more crowded the two policemen at the station, went on expeditions to the sawmill. The boy slept.
When it was agreed, in a shack, was under arrest delegate.
With him were found objects and clothes of the victims property.
Tied with rope on her wrists and legs, was taken to the police station. The day was dawning and the sun spots appeared in premonition, blood bathing the horizon.
Clear day, everyone in town knew little of what had happened and where he was.
In jail, the same place where today is installed Bedim Hotel, the tension grew.
Disagreeing with the double murder, the mob went to the sheriff Chico God.
They wanted justice.
With his own hands. Were unsuccessful.
They returned home, but the rebellion persisted, brewing.
Hours later, they returned to the police station.
Chico were informed by God that the boy would be transferred to the chain Clevelândia, headquarters of the district, which offered more security.
Like today, the police lacked structure. The delegate used a "cab". In the car followed the driver, one of the officers and arrested, handcuffed.
But 400 meters from the police station, near where is now the building of the White Brazil, at Avenida Tupi, a group of people waiting.
Were many, brandishing sticks, knives and guns. The prisoner was torn from the taxi and lynched.
A photographer recorded the whole scene.
On the front line, in the photo appear older residents that Pato Branco bravia, almost lawless and soul.
If everyone participated in the lynching, no one knows, but posed for the photographer many pioneers, now heads of illustrious families of the city.
- This ear will take home, come to comment after the blow from a machete, the brother of the murdered woman.
Two months later, there is a truck in the city, crowded with soldiers of the Military Police, under the command of Lieutenant delegate Lapa, moved to Curitiba.
Began investigations, from the photo.
Testify, one by one, members of photography.
Those who tell the truth, after all explicit in the photo, were released.
Those who refused to participate, led a "tunda loop" before being set free.
Nobody paid bills justice.
Entire population at the end of the survey, was unarmed. And, it is said to this day, the police returned to Curitiba with a second truck, loaded with weapons.
In a workshop, the police seized some of the many handguns.
Lynching was the only city ever recorded in the memory of old residents, as "their" Sunday Bortot, he saw a city born in the remote countryside, where, in fact, life was dangerous.

Fatima Mirian Bortot, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Coffee

Stories of Paraná - Coffee

Nilson Monteiro

"Japanese Calabrian, was the devil that made you!"
His slanted eyes and wet swallowed prejudice.
Sung by young kids, before and after World War II.
Or unloaded during the burning bomber there in Asia, here in Londrina, kicks in against his old Philips radio.
Japanese anything. Brazilian, that yes.
First Nisei Paraná, born in Ribeirão Claro, three days before Christmas 1914, a year after her parents were arriving in Santos, from the province-Ken Koski, south of Japan
All thought.
But said nothing.
If you see the face: a child or grandchild of Japanese, all Japanese breed that is not, do what?
Why the hell did you do? Ri small straightens up in his chair, legs left in the air.
Massao mean courage rights.
Mass means "rights" and the "courage". His hands, close to 80 years, are thick.
The nails are always in mourning, full of earth. The forehead is the mark of the hat, used from early to protect themselves from the sun in the garden.
Massao brother and his five sons of Goichi, who sought to get rich Brazil, as they do today dekasseguis seeking Japan, worked hard.
First Olavo in Bilaspur, in the state of São Paulo, then in Londrina.
Goichi and his family was entitled to a 20 liter can of rice per month, on the farm where they worked in Olavo Bilaspur.
But they wanted more.
Asked to plant in a place that only gave ants. The farm manager did not care.
Goichi and his sons planted, dismayed ants and harvested 25 bags and shells.
Never lacked rice farm.
Why children mingle with Japanese Calabrian in his satire? Confusion of war? Rhymes with poor?
Rica was the sticky mud of Londrina, where the family moved after having sold 40 acres in Bilaspur Olavo for 120 stories.
Massao squints kids memories to talk about the killing of perobas, green sea, the animals and work. "My life is coffee. Myself and my brothers, everyone worked with coffee. Die So I'll keep planting coffee. Frost kills, but I'm stubborn." Goichi, who insisted on signing checks spelled Japanese, not to lose the customs and traditions of his country, was buried in Londrina.
Remains alive in a watercolor hanging in the living room of the house Massao.
Why the hell did you do? Massao squeezes his eyes and can not explain.
Nor understand. War, that he knows, peppered prejudice.
Before her, not required descendes Japanese Brazilians have names.
After it was required.
Both the first two sons of Massao called Hiroshi and Siduka.
The other six names have "Brazilian" - Luiza Maria, Teresa, Amelia, Arthur and Irene. What matters, he repeats, is that this red earth, sticky, and rich volcanic soil is his.
Where he planted his roots. And coffee. Across all stories frosts, quotes, break, bankruptcies, replanting, pest, etc. firings.
Bring back the smell of drink and giggles between brittle, sipping on a assoprados sips. "I love coffee. Takes more Japanese tea. But, I really am is Brazilian. Grower E".

Nilson Monteiro, Londrina, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - A library of 2000

Stories of Paraná - A library of 2000

The library of 2000
Olga Maria Soares da Costa

1953 ... it started the construction of the building of the Public Library of Paraná, one of the works of the govemment Muñoz Bento da Rocha Netto, specially programmed for the celebrations of the centenary of the emancipation policy of the state.
No one better than this govemment to celebrate the big event.
It is tradition in political figure Paraná, university professor and one of the best intellectuals identified with the history and culture of Paraná.
For the current collection, space is privileged and are proud of all of Paraná for since its inception in 1857, the Library of Paraná had been provisionally in several buildings.
Curitibano until 1873 at the Lyceum, in Paraná Institute until 1886 and Paranaense Museum until 1932 when it was incorporated into the Gym Paranaense.
In 1937, he was transferred to the city of Curitiba, going to work between the street and the Riachuelo Tiradentes Square.
Came under the jurisdiction of the Municipality until 1952, when it passed again to the State.
1993 ... walls demolished, torn wires, books boxed, unassembled bookcases, reading rooms closed ... 6,000 users daily by circulating library are perplexed. What's going on? A novel Fahrenheit 451?
In place of the old, old and squeezed facilities, is emerging the new Public Library of Paraná.
Mezzanines under construction, space expansion, information in profusion ...
And next year, when everything returns to normal, a new character will be part of this scenario. The computer.
Two databases, managed by software Microisis UNESCO, so enabling, starting this month, the registration of 370,000 volumes that compose the collection and 40,000 registered users.
The books are getting labels with bar codes and new portfolios are delivered also with barcodes already printed. The system will enable the optical reading of these codes to record 2,000 loans / day.
All controls of loan services, return, renew and reserve books will be streamlined, eliminating the huge queues that form daily.
Also the intensive work of the employees will be minimized because no longer need to make a thousand notes to present their reports, nor endless research to communicate with readers delinquent.
Who does not have a lot of patience to consult the General Catalogue consists of approximately 1.5 million chips, you can search authors, titles and subjects daily on a computer terminal.
Forty years later, when throughout Brazil is celebrating the National Book Week and Library, the Paraná may, as in 1953, fill up again with pride. The library of 2000 is coming.

Olga Maria Soares da Costa, Librarian CELEPAR

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The Doll Iguacu

Stories of Paraná - The Doll Iguacu

The Doll Iguacu
Apollo Taborda France

Harry Feeken was his name.
Married to Dona Eva Putziger Feeken and minor daughter Marly. There by 1950, life enthusiast and dealer who was resolved to settle the border Curitiba / St. Joseph the Pinewoods, across the river Iguazu, with a restaurant and leisure environment for the families of two cities.
Was created "Doll Canyon", by early 1956. Stood in front of the warehouse Ernesto Schmitt.
In 1958, progressing, inaugurated pleasant Playground with honorable presence of his friend Governor Moses Lupion and Dna.
Herminia, and more Itiberê Mayor de Mattos, Mr Erondy Silverio and guests.
Harry, even more than the dealer, was passionate about music, playing bass and other instruments.
He was part of an unforgettable Trianon Orchestra, alongside other "aces" as Jawbreaker (Harmin Habit). For a long time the doll Iguaçu constituted a point of tourist attraction and City Smile.
Everyone was there. It was a place for receptions so many political, social and artistic, with attendance of Ambassadors, Consuls,
Deputies, authorities in general society and many famous artists like Emilinha Borba, Silvino Neto, Double Gold and Silver, etc..
For years, the attraction of the evening was the famous Claudius Todisco, acordenista international after World War 2 *, came from Italy to Brazil and settled in this Capital.
In a time, when one of his visits to Curitiba, to teach music and piano, then teacher and conductor William Fontainha (National School of Music / River), was bestowed by my father Hector Stockler and Sister Marita with sumptuous dinner in Doll Iguacu.
Moments of joy and relaxation that prof. Fontainha enthusiastically appreciated. The night show in charge of Claudius Todisco and other extras.
Of these, stood a dual sympathetic formed by Jorge Montalban (who for many months pontificated here) and a singer who can not remember the name.
With great resourcefulness in song and dance double flashed successfully with Vanidad (Armando Gonzalez) and Flower Manacá (Juvenal Fernandes, if I'm not mistaken). At the end, the Maestro Fontainha expressed that by evening as artistic and warm (it was honored) led from Curitiba, the exquisite doll Iguaçu, Harry Feeken, Todisco and other souvenirs of the most enjoyable and unforgettable.
Later, in 1965, Harry Feeken, for health reasons, sold the property to Mr. Arthur Urban, neighbor and owner of Urban Refrigerator.
Today, the physiognomy of the area where they located the doll Iguaçu is all changed, uncharacterized. Time passed, but many still remember this golden age of Curitiba. And the name of Harry Feeken justly marked for posterity, and the very old dirt road next to Doll-beat, and going to the left in front, connect the establishment of the adjacency to the School of Afonso Pena, the cooperative Dairy and the side of the airport is now removed and the whole region inhabited.
This bustling promenade of 1.8 km, by merit, bears the name of Harry Feeken, a man of vision!

Apollo Taborda France, journalist and member of the Academy of Arts Paranaense.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Paulino turns 100

Stories of Paraná - Paulino turns 100

Paulino turns 100
Roberto Abraham George Washington

New Field, Curitiba. 10:30 am of the day November 14, 1893. The home of Pedro Gonçalves da Silva and Izabel da Luz Silva and once again is celebrating with the birth of a son, the fifth of the couple.
Your name: Paulino Gonçalves da Silva, as registration No. 4983, pages 166, book No. 13 of the Office of the Clerk of Io Curitiba, confirmed by his baptism, given by Monsignor Celso on February 24, 1884, in the Church , current Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Light Pines of Curitiba.
Village Pirahy, current city of Pirai do Sul, August 9, 1914. The young Pauline, now 21 years old, arrives in the small train station, coming on a visit to his sister residing on site.
Pirahy was a small cluster of exact 178 residences (as Paulino's own records) without electricity, running water.
However, the natural beauty of the place, stuck in the Serra das Furnas, enchanted the young newcomer. The visit, which lasted a few days turned into months, months into years and Paulinho never took the train to return.
Met a young site, Cacilda Wolmann, fell in love, and on October 2, 1920, married. The marriage lasted 60 years, until the Lord calls Cacilda return your address.
Early in his life Pirai do Sul, Pauline worked as a shoemaker until his marriage, when he left the office, riding a small gas industry: "Spring". Excellent quality, soon conquered large clientele.
However, as the bottle used had a German system closure, containing a ball of glass at the neck, the boys broke the bottles to play with bouncy balls.
Almost break, too, the small company because the bottles were expensive and difficult to acquire.
Paulino then decided to change their line of business.
Built a house of fruits, bought a small wagon, with which he also traded in the countryside, buying and selling firewood to rail.
Later he was appointed to the role of assistant treasury at City Hall, retiring in 1996 as a clerk.
In political life, Pauline was an alderman for 32 years, from 1951 to 1983, working actively from the first to the eighth term for which he was elected, deeply marking the annals of the House of Councillors piraienses for his honesty, fruitful activity and vigor.
After retirement and away from public life think it settled? Nothing! At like walking, seeing friends, chat, Paulino took over the distribution of newspapers, which delivered door to door.
He was then 90 years old.
At 95 was still in dispute, when it was cause for television reporting.
Today, as the proprietor of Larissa and Felipe Paulino continues doing what he loves most: walk daily through the streets of his beloved Pirai, greeting everyone, always ready for a good prose. There in the city who does not know and cherish.
Paulino enviable! On this memorable day, November 14, 1993, a century and greets people piraiense worships.

George Washington Roberto Abraham, economist residing in Pirai do Sul

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Medical

Stories of Paraná - Medical

Medical visit
João Carlos Calvo

This is a story of my Paranaguá, which does not count if no nickname.
I was told by my late father, long ago.
Must have been there for 1935.
The town was small and quiet.
Everyone or almost everyone knew.
As was natural, there were groups composed of people with more in common with each other.
Therefore, gathered almost every day, always at the same time and same place. There was lots to do and needed to "invent".
Already at that time tried to save Brazil ...
One group gathered in coffee Pedro, XV down the street in front of the store "Alberto Veiga."
They sat at tables, at the time the coffee was still served to the people around them if aboletavam.
One day I was there, "beating the best chat", when a resident of the island of Valadares, at that time named as "hillbilly", approached them and headed to Dr. Roque Vernalha, medical extremely humanitarian greatest symbol, even by " volume "of the late type of" medical
family. "
- Dr. Roque, you could go see my boss who is not feeling well?
- What does she have?
- I do not know why I'm here.
- Where is she?
- At home, in Valadares.
The good doctor and sluggish at best the conversation, stood up, excused himself, and there it was, along with her husband's ill.
It was about 18 hours.
Itiberê would cross the river by canoe. And back too! It would not be easy to accommodate all that big body in a small craft.
Two or three days after this fact, the group was assembled, as usual, commenting on life and philosophizing ...
- Dr. Roque.
When the doctor turned and "gave" the woman's husband had been meet days ago, concerned asked:
- What about your wife? Is not well again?
- You doctor is.
- Do you have some other problem?
- No doctor, no.
I just came here to ask practical for you if I can get the medicine down
Arm Boss ...
It is.
The goodhearted Dr. Roque, after examining the patient began to chat with her and family members resumed after the Paranaguá.
There were, however, forget the thermometer ... the "armpit" of sick!

João Carlos Calvo, civil engineer

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The mystical Tenorio

Stories of Paraná - The mystical Tenorio

The mystical Tenorio
Carmo Strong

Candidate for mayor of Peabiru, PR, in 1957, at a disadvantage in the polls, Eleuterio Galdino Andrade conceived a project impact to reverse this negative picture.
Aware that the majority of the electorate consisted of Northeast, concluded that only win the election if he told with this mass of migrants in their support.
That time, Tenório Cavalcanti, my father, at the height of his political career, embodied all the virtues of man and brave suffered the northeastern backlands, whose legends adorned her profile male goat, the "closed body" without fear, able to redeem the wronged and persecuted.
Appealed, then, Eleuterio loans to the late congressman and president of the regional UDN, Newton Carneiro, to intercede with the Northeast leading towards their attendance at the final rally of the campaign.
It was around the turn of the way election.
Furthermore, resided in one Peabiru Alagoas who claimed akin of Tenorio, which reinforced the possibility of his presence.
To general surprise, Tenorio accepted the invitation, accustomed to making sacrifices for their coestaduanos, although without any liability on the policy Paraná.
On the due date, all combined Newton Carneiro waited for him in Maringa, from where a tight single-engine plane to Peabiru. As soon as the plane took the makeshift dirt track Red Bomber fireworks erupted.
Was the deafening fireworks.
An incalculable crowd pressed in the square.
It seemed that the entire northern Paraná regorgitava city euphoric.
The speeches were long and inflamed. The people shown to be amazed by what he saw, the presence - live - the hero of so many political battles.
Some would even touch it to make sure it was true. The man in the black coat in the flesh.
The pilot of the plane found himself impatient with the delay of the rally, as darkening and return to Maringa could offer serious risks. The sun had set when he held off.
Tenorio beside the pilot, Bueno Neto, bodyguards and Newton Carneiro realized the temerity flying blindly. The pilot was guided by instinct.
Passengers exchanged startled looks. Not envisioned a bonfire, a beacon of car, nothing.
After a few bumps, thanks to experience Bueno Neto was possible to descend in Maringa amid dense darkness.
One of the bodyguards to disembark, livid and trembling, kissed the ground and repeated several times: "Holy terrinha never felt so missed you ..." Tenorio, visibly embarrassed by that scene, wondered if it would be worth the sacrifice.
Days later came to him the result of the election.
His charisma had worked.
Eleuterio was elected.

Carmo Cavalcanti Strong, writer and artist.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The beheaded 495

Stories of Paraná - The beheaded 495

The beheaded 495
Valêncio Xavier

The Federalist Revolution was the bloodiest that Brazil experienced, more people died in it than in any other country that has had so far.
Besides the deaths in combat, many died beheaded.
The maragatos of Gumercindo Saraiva made no prisoners, slew the vanquished.
When federal troops returned to Paraná also cut some necks, not as many as the Federalists, but cut.
The cutthroat maragato most skilled and famous was Nego Adam, I do not know how many heads to cut back.
In late 1893, the Federalists invaded Paraná. In January 1894, besieged the city of Lapa, the governor and General Vicente Machado Junior Pêgo, commander of the government troops, disbanded leaving the Paraná delivered to their own devices.
The maragatos entered in Curitiba without firing a single shot, General Gomes Carneiro was no help for his stubborn resistance in Lapa. The Paraná became no man's land, with the Federalists herding cattle, horse, food, weapons and "volunteers" to his troops.
In this climate of "God's will", happened in Ponta Grossa, a case worthy of film westerns, samurai or tape, involving Adam Nego.
Armed with the necessary safe-conduct, Colonel (honorary title) Souza Araújo left Ponta Grossa in a wagon to fetch groceries on his farm.
Was carrying quilts jerky when they reached twenty horsemen armed with muskets and swords.
Were maragatos. Colonel runs into the farmhouse and back with his Winchester.
Stop it man! Drop the weapon but dies shouts the commander of the bunch, advancing sword in hand. Colonel points and gives the trigger, but the neck is lacy and shooting in the air is lost.
Begins stealing beef jerky, while the colonel is disarmed and bound.
Done cleaning, the bunch gallop, pulling the colonel walk, chasing horses not to be hanged by the rope which has neck.
In the race, stumbles, falls and is dragged along the ground, but manages to hold the rope, preventing his hanging.
When there is more enduring, the band stops at the edge of a patch of woods to churrasquear.
While preparing the fire, Nego Adam asked: Commander, I charquear the beast? The answer is positive and Adam Nego orders: Dasatem not like to kill people tied.
Greasy pulls a notebook from his pocket and goes with his scrawl noting the number 495. The colonel will be beheaded 495. Take his clothes, his coat're all ripped, but the shirt still can use. And will sharpening the machete in his palm: fear, not Colonel, a good fagot're cutting.
Seeing himself lost, Colonel tries the last resort, when they are pulling his shirt over his head, holds it, the man is pulled tighter, he drops his shirt and the man falls to the ground. Colonel takes the confusion and jumps into the bushes and runs, ripping the thorns.
Reaches a stream, and some crosses.
When the gang arrives at the brook, the colonel was already far away.
High night, in the rain, half-naked, bruised body, torn by thorns, Colonel reaches Ponta Grossa, shivering, but with the head in place.

Valêncio Xavier, writer and historian

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The hands of the Governor

Stories of Paraná - The hands of the Governor

The hands of the Governor
Elizabeth M Azevedo

The battles between the state and the teachers have always been memorable in Paraná. Strikes, demonstrations, caravans and camping in front of the Palace Iguaçu punctuate the history of wage demands.
Over the years, been growing grievances of both sides, and also came the recognition of the parties by the difficulties and problems that each side faced, the state government grappling with a recession economy and teachers without having to support their families.
Nobody was unhurt, is true.
Today, in a more quiet, you can even remember facts hilarious.
During the government of José Richa, one of those unforgettable clashes, leaders announced the holding of a general strike to date. The government responded by saying that the strike could do by the time they wanted, that the State would not meet the demands. And proved adamant, refusing even to receive the committee of representatives.
A group of 13 teachers, coming from various cities, joined the governor and decided to wait at the airport, only accessible place for a chat.
Hours and hours of waiting and nothing Richa.
Dozens of coffees, conversations, speech should be made to the governor on his tongue, repeating as the Blessing-a-ba.
Down the road when everyone was about to give up, behold, there came Richa.
Weary, giving security guards rush advisors wanting to prevent the group from 13 to approach not to irritate more the man.
José Richa, amid the turmoil of the small group that, unexpectedly, surrounded, began to give a hand to each teacher, affable, but fast, leaving no time to talk.
Everything was going well until Richa face to face with a former activist of the category, Luiz Teodoro Garcia, Londrina, known for his moderate positions in the assemblies, always calm and willing to resolve technical problems more demonstrations than actually ideological.
Had never been seen with so-called "incendiary."
Garcia, to the surprise of bodyguards, advisors, and especially from their own colleagues, grabbed the hand of the governor with all the force and said:
- "Now, you'll hear everything the teacher has to say."
Richa tried to pull his hand and Garcia came along.
Were face to face. The speech began.
Claims, shortages of teachers, demonstrations and strikes.
Richa listening, looking Garcia prays, prays for security, either for teachers. And two hands there, glued.
Garcia felt the sweat trickling between her fingers, felt pulling occasionally whispers of security, but did not give up.
He spoke everything he wanted and then just let go, finally, the hand of the governor.
Richa, half embarrassed, half relieved, said he'd think.
If you could attend the claims. And she was gone.
Garcia embraced by colleagues, became the hero of the night.
For him, facing an authority like that, out a more personal than collective.
It was necessary to save the dignity of the group that, after such a long wait, could not leave his mouth shut.
Two days later, Governor José Richa met the demands of the teachers and the strike, scheduled and advertised as the greatest of all time, was canceled.

Elizabeth M. de Azevedo, Professor sophomore state

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Paraná The majority of women

Stories of Paraná - Paraná The majority of women

The majority of women Paraná
Alzeli Bassetti

If the first cry for "Direct Elections Now" in 1984, was formed at a time of political maturation of PR, he was also detonated the big leap to the organization and integration of women in Paraná.
Until then, there was the bravery of the pioneers isolated, more focused on social than to the female condition. The movement for universal suffrage for the presidency was the agent integrator between existing associations and women's political engagement.
Newcomers to the party militancy, arising from the Campaign Palace 82 Iguaçu - in that they showed great potential - women realize the right time to participate in the political process.
Therefore, revitalized the department specific PMDB, were inserted in the zonal and organize themselves in large towns.
Won representation in the Regional Board and elected by the direct route, the first representative in the Executive.
Trimming circumstantial differences, formulated statute, whose Charter of Principles defined positions relative to the national policy and objectives expressed regarding the condition of women in state politics.
The Direct have been the platform for PR inland sow these guidelines, fostered the emergence of leaders, and spread claims that later would be taken to the Constituent Assembly.
There was even internalize the State Council and link it with the national.
A major task!
So bloomed the politicization of women and the first insert them into a nationwide movement.
Brave and determined voice and had all the time in hustings, through representatives chosen by women leaders in advance of each region of Paraná.
However barriers, some neophytes in the art of public speaking, did echo the cry for democracy and the rights of women-including citizen in Brasilia.
An unusual fact and illustrator of context occurred on a flight Curitiba-São Paulo-Brasilia, leading to the large gathering of Paraná
5,000 Brazilian women in Congress. The pilot claimed by Direct and gave it a minicomício on board with the then Mrs Beth Mendes speaking women.
Land and air exhaled democratic sentiment.
This participation with its own identity in the bravest moments Brazilians, served as a model to inspire other achievement such as the Women and Women Police, extrapolating the party boundaries, inspired and revitalized women's associations and relevant in today's society: the Association of Women Legal Careers in Boca Rouge and the Women's Bank, among many others, that daily record, the gold feather, the female presence in the historical book of Paraná.

Alzeli Bassetti, writer and translator

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Curitiba Roses

Stories of Paraná - Curitiba Roses

Roses Curitiba
Beatriz Quadros Ribas

They were passing.
Were healthy young, coming from southern states in full crest revolution Liberal Alliance.
The year was 1930. They were quartered in the street Society Youth Carlos de Carvalho.
In the garb of their official uniforms, enjoyed the prestige of the uniform, and his upright posture and upper hierarchy of your posts.
It was a time of brightness and aspiring social lieutenants.
The girls of the neighborhood, finials beauty and youth, were enthusiastic and went to the sidewalk to talk and laugh with young officers.
As ever, a block down the street Carlos de Carvalho had his touch of joy and elegance.
For a few days, only heard about the officers and their exploits.
Were the girls from the group of 16 and 18.
I belonged to the class of 10 and 11 years, who was stalking seeing another group move.
The day of departure.
Preparations began the day before.
Our house, like all houses of the time, had a garden in the front and one side. The predilection of my father was the roses that grew fondly.
Were roses of several kinds and colors: Queen Elizabeth, Charlotte, Black Prince, Bisqui, Durski, this white and pink, and other, whose name I do not remember.
The garden was beautiful and the opportunity flowery.
The girls come and go abuzz.
Officials preparing his men in groups, to march, would walk to the train station.
All residents have left their homes to watch the match.
Marriageable young women, on the sidewalk, cheering said: "Palms to the heroes, palms to the heroes". It seems that I see the scene again.
As a group, the girls came to talk to Dad: ask him roses to offer official.
We requested a pair of scissors. I went to get her.
The roses were all cut with care and delivered to blackjacks, whose eyes sparkled with joy.
The hands of young people were beautiful roses in the hands of the officers, that put the barrel of the rifle.
They saluted.
Gave starting order.
The girls hit more palms.
Everyone on the sidewalk and followed the platoons followed, taking their guns roses Curitiba.
At that time, the roses symbolize joy, youth, hope and youth curitibanas goodbye.

Beatriz Quadros Ribas, a retired teacher and member of the Women's Cultural Center Paranaense.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The Argentine goalkeeper

Stories of Paraná - The Argentine goalkeeper

The Argentine goalkeeper
Luiz Groff

All street children thought to be football players.
On the way to school, killed the ball on his chest, driblavam goal among the trees and jumped celebrating.
They were all fluent in the field of dreams.
Seen by the radio Rogan, within the area, up to the right, left and beat Botafogo defeat in the last game of the super championship 46. In Rio, Fluminense was forever.
But many years before, in Curitiba, the choice was defined.
The spass, on the sidewalk, now was the Neno, Coritiba, now the cashew, Atletico.
Ferreira's Rail, ever, was black.
One day the knee popped an old long-sleeved pullover, was Sandro, the Argentine goalkeeper Coritiba.
Final choice.
As Sandro, with heels cats, grated my elbows on the paving stones, swallowing pain, Argentine goalkeeper does not cry nor the hefty bag.
This must have been around 1943, only a few years later I went to my first game.
In Joaquim Américo, with heavy rain, Coritiba lost to Atlético 4-2.
The goalkeeper was Eduil Zanicotti quietly, did not have a meter sixty, even jumping all, scarcely touched the crossbar. The Eduil goalkeeper was the lowest in the world.
Eduil, gnawing disappointment, not because it quietly, since I did not even know goalkeepers were high, but for being my neighbor.
What grace had put on the uniform and kill the rocks, to see a guy who lived on Seventh Street, around the corner?
"The girl next door" is a lie of the film, the girl of our street never done successfully, and did you know that way, leaving luff up in the shadow of the gate ...
ívíitos live far away, goalkeepers Rua Sete de Setembro, one ova, Sandro was the Calle Florida.
Years later, meeting the Dram Club Malu, Channel 12, sports pouch dueled for exchanging knowledge, to impress the audience. The Mazza quoted Perez, Lalo and Zequinha, midline of Juventus. The Réginis Prochmann line the Palestra Italia: Ant, Bastinhos, Bonato, Mario and Valdomiro.
Not to lose, I put Sandro in conversation.
- Sandro? What Sandro? This guy does not exist!
We consulted several encyclopedic thighs, came to the Belo who gave a shitload in Cireno, the Bino who went to Corinthians, Botafogo Ari and selection, but did not find any Sandro, Coritiba's goalkeeper.
Aroldo Fedato vaguely recalled an Argentine goalkeeper, very acrobatic, who broke in training, played only once, against Atletico, surrounded some chickens and was sent away with a reputation for selling.
What is imaginary, Coritiba will come with all the insomnia and anxiety of law, because of a nonexistent Sandro, a miserable, named Stag (The Thigh lost yesterday ...) Maybe, who was not even Argentine .. .

Luiz Groff, engineer and chronicler

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Rua XV, or a learning

Stories of Paraná - Rua XV, or a learning

Rua XV, or a learning
Ruben Cesar Keinert

By Rua XV made up curitibana crossing into the adult world.
Ah, the street where I spent my teens and teens roamed the city in bloom.
Late '50s, Curitiba gaining body, the Civic Center, the Public Library, the first skyscrapers.
Ended up trams, began to appear signs of us buses and jitneys - names of neighborhoods that no one knew where they were.
Santa Quitéria.
Santa Candida.
Pinheirinho. The city espichava, adolescently.
In Rua XV were heard and discussed matters is "adults": adultery actual or presumed, especially presumed rights and wrongs of the government (whatever), which had Dr. Benedict, which failed to do, around lupionismo, the rise of braguismo the robbery, the mamatas.
Actual or presumed.
Spoke up. Whispered up. Invent yourself.
The city seethed.
Much money running with the construction of roads and public works, with the sale of land in the North, with the sawmill and timber exports, with coffee, some money, yet, with cattle, with mate. And that money spent by Rua XV. In the big cars, the clothes and trinkets imported the jewelries and hairstyles ladies and young girls in the family shopping (families went shopping at Rua XV at appropriate times, and then took snack at Schaffer in their own confectionery, in Lojas Americanas .
Like today? Looks greedy, greedy. And humorous comments.
Someone wrote about gossip curitibana as an obstacle to local development.
All spoke, everyone listened.
There was the immense repertoire of information, gossip, common or divergent opinions of each moment, the body of knowledge that made each citizen in Curitiba. The tell-says that the city as a bargaining chip for entry into adulthood. And as a matter for discussion that stretched through the night and forced to come home late.
Unforgettable nights cold moonlight in Curitiba.
The parents did not know they existed and were amazing as appreciated the ruins of the High St. Francisco.
Rua XV. Mouth in the Alvoradinha Avenue, near the old Post Office.
What a world, what types: Batacla, gentleman and propagandist street, the other propagandist (which ultimately led propagandists?) That walked on legs lots of nerve and when in civilian clothes always carried an umbrella closed and pointing upwards , pervaded as who carries a candle in procession, the Smashes, honorable public servant and bum convinced; Mary Idle, always with a smile for refusing to purchase their tickets and with a sad story to tell, the homeowner lottery the "end" of the street one day handing out money to anyone who could come, perhaps tired of seeing so many hopes dashed by passing your counter.
Rua XV types of speakers, ubiquitous on all wheels, stoking discussions.
Polemic, always willing to get supporters to the cause of the day or all days.
Rua XV: first lesson in humanity.

Ruben Cesar Keinert, UFPR sociologist, professor at the School of Business Administration of São Paulo, FGV

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Boots of gold coins

Stories of Paraná - Boots of gold coins

The boots of gold coins
Tulio Vargas

This is not a tale of Grimm or Andersen, but a story really true. It is known that the ancients did not trust the whites to deposit money.
They wore the most cunning artifices to conceal economies, away from the covetous eyes of strangers.
Account book "Tenorio - the man and the myth" of Do Carmo Fortes, that Colonel Feline Tenorio, relative and protector of his father, he kept the pecuniary in large chests, in the basement of the farmhouse, authentic safes watched by faithful servants, armed to the teeth.
It happened once that the unhealthiness of the basement did rotting paper money and coins lost value, already out of circulation.
That was how the system worked the particular financial period, despite these oversights and losses.
It was the routine of the northeastern hinterland.
There were other wealthy, however.
These examples tell us Ermelino Lion death of José Luiz Gomes, Antonina.
Portuguese worker bafejado by fortune, soon won prominent position in commerce and industry incipient coast.
He was among the richest men in
Province of Paraná.
Despite all sufficiency was unhappy. Did not enjoy the happiness of fatherhood and suffered the heartbreak of losing his wife still young.
Directed all his affection for family rest.
Bolstered the old father and stepmother, even when widowed.
It worried him the figure of their holdings, however.
Almost alone, knew that aroused the envy and ambition of those who surrounded him.
Served him safe a boot full of gold coins.
Perceived long and watchful eyes of servants.
Resolved guard.
Concealed the boot, stuck in thick wall, plastered again.
It was a safe hiding place.
Thought so.
Gone are the days and weeks.
One Sunday, absent from the family farm, José Luiz almost exclusively, the assault happened.
Slaves murdered him and fled after looting, taking everything.
Disappeared savings accumulated for years and years.
Discovered the crime, Dorothéia housewife, mother in law, provided that, in pursuit of criminals, followed escorts. And vultuoso promised prize to whoever brought him the heads.
The bandit murderer was found on the island of Goulart.
Fenced, could not resist.
The procedure was then summary execution.
The corpses were conducted to Antonina and then to farm José Luiz.
Quartered and exposed on poles, as a lesson.
The unfortunate Lusitanian leave a will, bequeathing the poor part of its properties. The site of the Pines, with the mills, his nephew and godson Francisco Gomes Cordeiro.
This crime, which shook the coastal population, modified for awhile habits in vogue to save money at home.

Tulio Vargas, former deputy, member of the Academy of Arts Paranaense.

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Sao Tome walked here

Stories of Paraná - Sao Tome walked here

Sao Tome walked here
Marina Martins Gouveia
That's it. St. Thomas the Apostle who initially doubted the resurrection of Christ, walked by.
Right here in Paraná. And in life.
In the seventeenth century, no Christian living by these plagues dare doubt it.
After all, were the preachers themselves Jesuits who were in charge of disseminating information, soon transformed into a truth of faith. The Fathers to describe in detail the script followed by the saint in the territory that today is the Paraná, who won the forests, the cave where he rested, the river that quenched their thirst.
The Jesuit José Cataldino, for example, a narrative of 1613, tells us that St. Thomas has left in its wake River headwaters Piquiri and also walked the Guaira region and the mouth of the Iguaçu, where he preached to the Indians (which he preached says), posted the highest cliff of the falls.
It is worth mentioning, there are nearly two thousand years, fifteen centuries before, so the discovery of Brazil by the Portuguese.
As the saint traveled to Palestine, where he lived hitherto been a mystery for many years.
He could have been transported miraculously and instantaneously, after all was holy.
More recently, however, the folklorist and believer Moniz Hector dedicated himself to trace the possible routes of the saint from the east into this Land of Santa Cruz.
Would be three possible paths, sustains Moniz.
The first two, across the Atlantic, including a passage through the mysterious Atlantis, the lost continent. The third, a route from west to east, including stints in Asia, Siberia, Bering Strait, Alaska, North America and Central and finally Brazil.
Whatever the path, ensures Moniz, "the raid of a disciple of Jesus has been the largest that records the history of mankind."
Obviously, Sao Tome was not only in Paraná in its passage through Brazilian territory.
In the northeast is believed that the saint also walked there, and Pernambuco are no marks on stone revered as indelible footprints of the saint.
But it was here, in Paraná, according to the Jesuits preached, that he had reserved a vital mission.
Was Sao Tome Guarani Indians who pointed to the nutritional properties of yerba mate, or "caá-Icira" and taught his method of preparation.
Hence why today São Tomé is the protector of yerba mate, who held the first major cycle state.
And, no doubt, a great story that the Jesuits counted.
Actually, it was learned later times, the priests only appropriated an Indian legend in order to more easily evangelizing the Guaraní.
For the original legend, was an envoy of his own Tupa called zume, who taught the Indians the preparation and consumption of mate.
Zume turned Thomas, envoy of the new Tupa came to announce that the Jesuits. The adaptation work.
While nothing original.

Marina Martins Gouveia, of Toledo, a retired teacher and researcher

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Tragos

Stories of Paraná - Tragos

Nilson Monteiro

Nipple navel at the counter, he spends saliva aimlessly. The tongue, razor for enemies to friends and silk.
Papo lit, easy, slips in through the cracks of the world, competent, panning
information and tapping keys, news junkie. And the same at any time of the day: pure journalist.
With or without ice.
Writing Biritinha appears in the "Leaf" at 8 matina. And invites: "Come on?" This time, Biritinha?? The answer is philosophical: "Cana is not medicine." I sigh: the grids are not really the solution.
Biritinha Cool: "Do not have time to be taken." And, jumping two steps, goes to the counter Lemma.

Doctor Vergara, crazy bueno, tchê! It was, for years and years, international news editor of "Folha de Londrina." International fanatic supporter, always with a shirt rubra pampas in any other (indeed, other always frayed cuffs) Advocate Vergara taught generations of "Leaf" mysteries, secrets and the purest day-to-day journalism.
A simple acute, not economize emotions when speaking of the dignity of the profession, the miles of telex devouring every day, the qualities of his old Gordini, dirty hands from work, also daily, in a garden that supplied everyone in the newsroom, Orchard grown on his farm ... He talked loud, explosive and friendly.
With all of us, including his son, Vergarinha, I do not know if it works on Review newspaper.
Had his foibles.
One: prepare caipirinha that immodestly called "the best in the world." After closing your page and leave some duty cast, on Saturday afternoons, joined the flock at the farm where he lived. Revenue: talk of good, drip of the best quality, sugar, and lemon.
Lemon incidentally harvested at full room of your home.
A lemon tree that was planted, grew and took advantage of the huge hole in the floor and careless to reign in the room of Dr. Vergara.
I assure you it was a flower.

Lieutenant only worked turbinado.
In the city or on the road, you calibrated with the whitest, separating, religiously, the sip of the holy.
In "Leaf", where he worked for many years, everyone knew their traces, but few linked.
Attentive, well directed, respecting the most basic traffic laws.
Was indeed loved by reporters milonguero, interested and interesting, full of stories, true, invented, loose tongue clicking.
In the cab fuscão, ran the floor, weaving routes by pubs.
Punctual, never missed appointment. The newspaper had to be such a time Paranavaí? There it was. The reporter had to get almost along the news in Foz? Arrived. The photographer had to anticipate the facts in Maringa? Anticipated them.
Uminha took earlier at the bar next to the garage from the "Sheet", and others along the way.
But beyond that did not commit follies.
That morning, filled the newspapers Beetle (in the 70s, the "Leaf" delivered newspapers by state with their own cars) and, to the amazement of the class of Circulation, take purinha not accepted.
To the amazement of even greater botequeiros, old acquaintances, did not stop at any of the bars on the map Londrina / Curitiba.
In the mountains before Campo Largo, almost born day, pulled the Beetle in the protection side of the road.
He turned off the car engine. And his.

Nilson Monteiro, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Santa Claus x Grandpa indium

Stories of Paraná - Santa Claus x Grandpa indium

Santa Claus x Grandpa indium
Ruy C. Wachomcz

In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, were quite sharp conflicts detected acculturation in society Curitiba.
Foreigners with their descendants formed a respectable contingent on the formation of the population.
In such circumstances, the exchanges were inevitable and ethno-cultural influences exist.
Seeking to minimize this acculturation, some elements of Portuguese-Brazilian origin, who considered themselves "patriots" and "nationalists", began to criticize the influences that immigrants were beginning to exercise.
This behavior is detected even at parties and on Christmas traditions celebrated in different ways by different groups.
In Paraná, the Luso-Brazilians had virtually no Christmas traditions.
At most it was a supper, attendance at traditional "midnight mass" and dances where one stood out "caboclinha the way," a "chimarrita" and guitarist in the back of the room, surrounded by numerous admirers.
From the second half of the nineteenth century in the colonies to the capital round about come the figures "presepe", the "pine tree" and a little later the glitzy Santa
Noel. The crib was better accepted by the Luso-Brazilians: after all existed the cult of the "Baby Jesus" coming from Portugal.
Regarding the "pine tree" and the figure of Santa Claus, the reactions were stronger.
The "Christmas trees" covered in pieces of cotton, imitation snow and adorned with shiny objects (considered trinkets desgraciosas), customs were introduced in the city by the Germans and Poles. Cotton mimicking the snow was seen as anti-Brazilian custom, distorting the child's mind, since there was no snow in December and the temperature could reach 30 ° C.
Was the Santa Claus figure received more criticism.
This tradition originated from Nordic folklore, was introduced in Brazil, under the French, and published in the Protestant world by capitalism.
Some in Curitiba saw it from the perspective of ridiculous dress "cloaks Siberian" and skins "groelândicas", sled riding, and having their hair, beard and Shawl flecked with snowflakes: exoticism ridiculous.
That was how "they" (the immigrants) celebrated the birth of Jesus.
Soon after the Revolution 30, with nationalism to the surface, Rio, São Paulo and Paraná tried to replace this figure by another Scandinavian, "hick", more Brazilian.
Created the figure of the "Indian Grandpa" artificial substitute the figure of Santa Claus.
Their creators thought they were taking the first step to "abrasileirar Brazil."

Ruy C. Wachomcz historian and professor UFPR

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - frustrated Beau Gest

Stories of Paraná - frustrated Beau Gest

Frustrated Beau Gest
Haroldo Fleet

The year 1963 wore on calm and torrid.
Quiet for us 18 year olds, who have not got on account of political unrest that culminated in the revolution of 64, and torrid in the literal sense, thanks to a prolonged drought and massive wildfires that ravaged the state, making it even more Curitiba gray.
Piolli, as I was homesick 5 recruits in "Company's headquarters, located in the old quarter of Rui Barbosa, today mixed bus terminal and Persian market.
Wealthy family, was kind of jovial and somewhat averse to rigorismos of conduct, even though he was a good person and responsible, a fact that led me to elect him as a friend.
I, in my turn, had some quirks not very consistent with age.
Crossing the street in the band, like classical music, had not set foot on the grass and not throw trash on the ground, among other things.
After the Military Training, and soon after the Ranch (lunch), we move our mission was the headquarters of Military Region 5 *, which at the time occupied the building now known as The Solar do Barão where desempenhávamos various activities.
Piolli was driver and I worked as a proofreader Daily Bulletin issued by HQ, sometimes doing a Sub-Lieutenant whose name I have forgotten.
One day, we received tangerines for dessert lunch, and immediately began the walk to the Barracks, where our hours beginning half an hour later.
I was peeling my fruit and keeping the shells on hand to throw them in the first trash can he found.
Piolli, irreverent as always, was throwing shells to all over the place, leaving a trail on the sidewalk, which naturally deserved my censorship, since our friendship allowed me this freedom.
When we arrived at Rua XV de Novembro, and Piolli had thrown down all their shells, indifferent to my complaints, I saw one of those garbage cans suspended on light pole, which then were made of tin.
It was exactly what I needed.
Proud of my "Beau Gest" and eager to give a good example to my "porcolino" friend, I approached the trash can and theatrically, there deposited the shells that kept on hand.
The effect could not have been more disastrous. The damn trash, rusted, was already unfunded and peels obviously spread all along the sidewalk, doing my partner squirm so much laughter.

Haroldo Fleet, Bachelor of Law

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Four football stories

Stories of Paraná - Four football stories

Four soccer stories
Ernani Buchmann

The Colorado would play in Ponta Grossa.
To save the rent money on the bus, the board divided the delegation of officers in cars.
The chief financial officer of the club, Ivo Bordinhão, fit a divide four aces, all gauchos.
Went with him Negri goalkeeper, midfielder Torino and tips Ortiz and Galen.
Bordinhão did not believe in the team, who felt more able to compete in the championship of the Rio Grande as ours, but as a good supporter, accepted the sacrifice.
The outward journey was calm and silent, with the players focused on the game. The result did not disappoint: the team won the Worker by 4X0. In back, relaxed, Bordinhão decided to take a hook in the conversation of the players to make a confession:
- Hey, congratulations on the game. And if I am praising it because I liked it.
Everyone knows that if I had some influence in the direction you would not be football players from Colorado.
The tip Galen did not lose leaves:
- Do not you worry, your Bordinhão because if we had some influence with the directors you would not be the money man.
Maringa, it was customary for team players gather after the game in a bar located on top of the bus.
One Sunday, after a victory, the central Virgil, famous for having baptized the deodorant Yo-Yo Contest 1010, was coming when he was called by a director of the club, sitting at a table where I take no missing beer and appetizer:
- Prochegue up, Virgil.
Come eat with us.
And Virgil, pulling up a chair and helped himself to an olive:
- Then I'll take one of these conosquinho.
Olive was also the protagonist of another story.
Better: Olive, player and captain of Conure, In the old stadium Orestes Thá players were leaving the pitch after a game in which the Green Water had given a whacking 4X0 team in North, when the reporter decides to ask Lopes Dias Olive the captain as he justified that rout. The answer was a masterpiece:
- We we command in the game, attacking all the time and they only won because they made four of shit.
The Caramuru Castro had a period that seemed fixated on oil names.
Played there in years and different positions, unforgettable superstars like Petrol, Kerosene, and even a Amarelinho Mixed.
For this Mixed, whom no one had ever paid much attention one day decides to throw everything that did not know, against the spring.
For the first and only time, was considered the best player on the field. And to hear the reporter who had won the motorádio usual, did not hold back:
- I, the best in the field? No, this is modesty aside from you.

Ernani Buschmann, advertising

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Massacre of Indians

Stories of Paraná - Massacre of Indians

Massacre of Indians
Ivo Nalce

In the first decade of the century, Rondon said the Paraná was at the forefront of indigenous rights.
Only that, I say, the thing was not so.
In this century, the conflicts between Indians and whites in the backlands of Paraná happen for two reasons: one, reprisal attacks by the "savages" to kill whites to be foraging, either for revenge.
Bugreiro - slayer of Indians - it was like any other profession. There is the testimony of John Martins bugreiro who returned from a "hunt" bringing a little Indian boy trapped, is the monk John Mary: to know that the Indians were baptized, as I assured the infalíveljoão Maria José Martins repented and dropped his profession.
"The lands which the Indians occupy centuries belong in fact to others who want to measure and cultivate." The sentence of a newspaper of Parana shows clearly the second and main reason of conflict between whites and Indians in this century: the struggle for land. The Indian was a hindrance to the full occupation of the fertile territory of Paraná.
In April 1909, the settlers Pirai slaughtering one taba entire India and bring a girl as a trophy, probably to serve later as labor-unpaid work.
In Rio Negro and Palmas always been killings of Indians. The pacification Botocudo Palmas, occurred only in 1915. In the fifties, the Xetás disappeared from the map when speculation colonizing destroyed their forests. The conflict by pinewoods Indian Reservation Mangueirinha actually did not end with the murder of the chief Angelo Cretan in 1980.
All this serves as an introduction to tell the great massacre Caingangues in Santo Antonio da Platina.
In April 1911, Colonel (honorary) Evergisto Alves Cowl, wealthy farmer established on the left bank of the River Ash met thirteen pawns to Caingangues expedition against the wild inhabitants of the forest between the rivers of ash and Tibagy.
Another farmer gave "passoca" - a fat cow for churrasquearem during the hunt - and the party began.
One of Caingangues even shot, threw himself into the River Ash and reached the other shore.
While pouring blood, climbed the embankment, the bugreiros platinenses patiently lined up to shoot, marksmanship training. The bloody carcass of Caingangue is swept downstream.
It is estimated that at least twenty Caingangues those killed during the five days of the "hunt". A dead Caingangue times before by flechar white boy did not come into account, only after death, tore his jaw, which was taken as a trophy to Italy for a traveler.
A peaceful Cayua also not entered in the account because it was killed by a Caingangue. Indian killed by Indians not count.
Jose Osorio, SPI inspector
- Protection Service-Indians in Paraná, complains and Dr. Freire, promoter of the District with the reputation of a man of integrity, denounces fourteen bugreiros.
But as no one was picking the corpses of Caingangues in the forest, there was no evidence.
The defendants claim that they were to kill churrasquear.
Despite complaints from the Indian Protection Service, the survey gave in pizza, or rather gave in passoca.

Ivo Nalce historian

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The feast of mutts

Stories of Paraná - The feast of mutts

The feast of mutts
Rodrigo Pereira Gomes

I cause this would have happened in Paranaguá. If it happened, I do not know, I saw the story I bought.
I bought the book "Histories and Stories", the parnanguara Lapagesse Tulio Pinto, nickname "Joe Itiberê"
published in 1971.
Doubt it was greater offense than scolding mother.
For let the causo.
It was the time when creating dog, when left not cheap, the result of grace.
Hence we had more dogs than people in Paranagua, many living loose in the streets.
A danger with rabies attacking vermin three of four.
To control the situation somewhat, city officials fed the dogs with meat dumplings stuffed with generous doses of poison.
A judiação, dogs estrebuchavam streets, whimpering in pain in a slow and painful agony. The people began to complain: "it is not something you do to the poor animals, kids are impressed, have nightmares at night.
When he left the newspaper report of protest, the mayor ordered to end the indiscriminate poisoning. And created a service pickup of stray dogs, the popular pushcart. The boss was a local building inspector named Sergio. Joe Itiberê account who knew well. "When he was not hunting dog, was a musician Band Musical February 5, our glorious Poison".
The pushcart pleased the people.
No more horror scenes before, and stray dogs were disappearing from the streets. As for the corbels, little has changed.
Dogs detainees were taken to the outskirts of town, where the troop tax Sérgio - with himself giving the example - eliminated the hammer blows and blows to the head.
Just as well, should consider the tax, the city saves the poison.
One day, the prosecutor Sergio walks along the railway line from Porto
D. Pedro II, a wagon derails, flips and dumps its load of logs on top of the exterminator dogs.
Instant death.
The burial of the tax - or what has to assemble the body - would be conducted with all the pomp and circumstance of burials that time.
But halfway house where he was the guardamento and cemetery, the funeral procession started to be fattened for unexpected companions.
The first to be incorporated, coming shy of a corner, still kept some distance from the end of the procession.
Soon came another, and another, and another, and more ... Suddenly there were dozens, big, small, of all races, of any race. The corbels all tail wagging, barking, messing up among people monitoring, running, doing most uproar.
At the entrance of the cemetery tried to contain the animals.
While the greatest scary growling, showing teeth, others poked up between the legs of people and ran inside.
They all went.
Also unnecessarily Musical Band 5 February rehearsed play the funeral march last tribute to dead comrade. The chorus of yelps and barks overlapped in many decibels of music.
Only after the last person left is that the dogs left the cemetery.
Now without barking, but the agile tails of contentment.
Who saw swears they seemed to smile.

Rodrigo Gomes Pereira, retired civil servant

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The prophet of Antonina

Stories of Paraná - The prophet of Antonina

The prophet of Antonina
Valêncio Xavier

From the Monk of Lapa, which many believe is still alive, the Paraná is fertile ground for monks, prophets,
healers and healers.
Antonina, the tomb of the Prophet Coast today is cause for pilgrimage.
Just leave a bottle of water on top of the tomb, the water begins to boil, say, becomes a holy medicine
for any evil.
Aguinaldo Vieira da Silva was born in Penedo, Alagoas, in 1914. Poor family, was paralyzed.
When he was about twelve years old, the boy embarks Aguinaldo ride on a ship and is left in Paranaguá.
Begs and shines shoes with great difficulty, as it can only move one hand.
At seventeen, Aguinaldo lives of favor with an old lady, also crippled.
Younger beautiful, long silky hair, face girl, Aguinaldo is one more of the many miseravinhos to vegetate in Paranaguá.
One night, returning to soñado hut where you live, see, or feel, the presence of an old man with long white beards.
Despite the old tattered clothes, Aguinaldo asks for a handout:
I can give alms yes, but I can heal and give you the power of healing.
What do you prefer? Aguinaldo not accept alms.
That old man would say, a miracle worker who appears from time immemorial in Paranaguá.
Upset, Aguinaldo falls into a deep sleep.
Wake up in the morning in his shack, completely healed.
Ali even performs his first miracle cures crippled old lady who gave him shelter.
Parnanguaras doctors are not very satisfied with the new competitor.
They urchins that were paid to throw rocks in the shack by Aguinaldo and he ends up being arrested for illegal practice
of medicine. The woman delegate suffered from migraines, those that do not heal ever.
With a simple glass of water blessed, Aguinaldo cure it forever and is released from prison.
Despite the fame, things never go well for Aguinaldo in Paranagua, much persecution.
Brought to Antonina to cure an alcoholic family Cabral, just down roots in Coast, as a family member.
Is a close friend of Reginald Cabral, his age, to be his companion until the end of life.
People come from everywhere to seek the advice of healing and Monk Faisqueira:
"I was a little girl, was drowned with a chicken bone in his throat, he could not breathe.
My mother took me to the Monk Aguinaldo, he gave me flour mixed with water and jumped off the bone.
I owe my life to it, "says Mrs. Rosie, owner of the traditional restaurant that bears his name Antonina.
In June 1933, Aguinaldo dies.
With so many people who came out, it was the largest funeral seen in Antonina.
At the cemetery gate, take a photo that shows the dead with narrowed eyes.
Affirm that opened at the time of the photo, to bless those who had come to the funeral.
The photo will generate the belief that he did not die actually.
Years later the rumor that he was "holy body", Brazilian superstition that the body of the holy people is preserved intact after death body dry.
Ask the exhumation, hundreds of people came to see the miracle.
Opens the coffin, the body is decomposed, but the faith of Aguinaldo dies.
Even today, one can see people praying in his grave blue color of the sea, asking for help.

Valêncio Xavier, writer and historian

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The beast that walked here

Stories of Paraná - The beast that walked here

The beast that walked here
Marcelo Oikawa

Lured by tales of blood, courage and pioneering spirit, he passed the North of Paraná in the 40s.
It was almost a kid, those who spent their days on the beaches, in the capital of Brazil.
His father, a lawyer in Rio, had received 100 acres of forest as fees in Guaraci.
Do not do anything wrong, doing a favor to the old, come for these lands.
Came, but it was soon though, because they had been occupied by squatters, who had overthrown the forest and were planting cheerfully. The father thought it was not worth fighting.
The lands were worth almost nothing.
At that time, the fresh smell of red earth and adventure stimulated the imagination of all and grabbed anyone by the nose. And feeling the memory of that smell that he decided to return a few years later, when he got into serious trouble with the police here in Rio
As a student activist in the campaign of Our Oil And he was involved in a shootout with police in front of the headquarters of UNE. Two people were killed and 18 wounded.
He was sentenced to four years in jail.
The Northern Paraná was a land of great opportunities.
But it was also the hideout of everyone fleeing from something. And he came to hide, to wait for the dust settles.
Fled from the pan and fell in the fire.
Manoel Ribas had just taken over as intervenor Paraná and one of his first acts was to announce with fanfare that would allot at popular prices 120 000 hectares in small batches northwest of Londrina. The news spread like wildfire across the country and soon, thousands of settlers and their families were invading the region of lands, creating tensions and violence.
All this culminated in the early 50s with the "War of Porecatu", or as it was called at the time, "Paranaense Korea", coming to gather more than 1000 and 500 armed settlers, claiming the legislation of their possessions. The PCB, outlawing at 47, she saw it as an opportunity to put into practice the famous "Manifesto of August", thesis seizure of power by force. The good catch, as he was known, became involved in conflicts, organizing and training the squatters in military tactics.
He could not stay out and now is participating in the "Solidarity Campaign To Resistant to Porecatu". But it was still a bit soon after and was already working in São Paulo branch of the weekly "Today", an organ of the PCB in Londrina.
Was two years.
Soon the war of "Paranaense Korea" is over, the dust has settled and the river he returned home.
Without much cause to shake, decided to take a break and went to be a sportswriter.
He found himself, was famous and important.
João Saldanha eventually coach of the Brazilian Cup qualifying 70. When he climbed his "eleven beasts," Nelson Rodrigues cheered, hailing him as the only one able to do anything to get his mug Tri.
He was not the coach at the World Cup, but their "beasts" were tricampeãs.

Marcelo Oikawa, journalist

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The sepultos the Serra do Mar

Stories of Paraná - The sepultos the Serra do Mar

The sepultos the Serra do Mar
Daniel Jacobus Fabri

Once, taking me by train to Paranagua, my grandfather told me that his grandfather called Giacommo, was buried somewhere in the Serra do Mar, near the railroad, the place he showed me when our wagon by spent there.
In fact, the Giacommo come from Italy with many companions and their young families.
The beginning of foreign colonization in the Province of Parana date 1869, when the first immigrants who settled in Curitiba in Cologne Algeria (Boa Vista neighborhood) and in the current quarter Pilarzinho.
However, by 1873, such a Sabrino Tripotti, smart businessman colonization through the famous pamphlet "Amico Colonno" spread to thousands in Italy, managed to convince hundreds of families to immigrate to Paraná, going to settle in Alexandra in Seaside.
Still excited by Tripotti pamphlet in 1877 came hundreds of colonists who settled in Morretes, founding ah multicore, including the most famous with the name of Colonia New Italy.
However, adverse weather, and other factors insalubridades, became almost impassable survival of these colonies.
Because of this, such nuclei in Morretes and Alexandra, held in the shadow of workers "that there were executed on behalf of the Government and the expectation of development that should bring Iron Roads". (Cf.
João José Pedrosa).
To get an idea of ​​the number of people, immigrants or not, who worked in the construction of this railroad, tells us Baron Capanema: "Dr. Teixeira Soares, to maintain services
3,000 workers, will marshal 9,000, of which 5,000 remained for more patients. "
It is not known how many died.
But the main cause of death was yellow fever, followed by work accident.
To imagine the number of accidents, fatal or not, just go through the passage of the Serra do Mar, and watch the bridges, viaducts and tunnels built there.
Malaria also is not known, but we know that Nonno Giacommo not die from this evil, but because he thought, taking the whole bottle of medicine against the malady at once, would heal immediately.
Pure mistake.
He left a widow and two beautiful young children.
With the completion of the railroad in December 1884, many immigrants have survived and spread to Curitiba and Paraná inside.
Others, like the Giacommos, Pietros, Giuseppi and "eticeteras" sepultos the Serra do Mar, just left his "seed" which enriched and today constitute the vast majority of descendants of Italian immigrants intrepid and unknown.

Daniel Jacobus Fabri, chemical engineer

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - Heroes of Lapa

Stories of Paraná - Heroes of Lapa

Heroes of Lapa
Francisco Brito Lacerda

The Federalist Revolution, was examined as fratricidal struggle, there is no longer a misfortune a misfortune, even. Much better if it had not happened.
Although the civil war adviessem injustices aside and hand, this does not mean denying the resistance of Lapa condition memorable episode.
Also the Civil War in the United States (bloody action between brothers and therefore one misadventure) not impeded that country passed to worship as a national hero General Lee (southern commander, surrounded on Appomatox), which capitulated only after indomitable resistance.
Between January 16 and February 10, 1894, the Lapa withstood the siege Federalist, and did so resolute, undaunted, to the point that made his defenders as Rock Pigeon, appear as "example in national history." Surrounded by mountains, the small town location was not conducive to withstand 48 hours or 72 hours maximum as calculated Gumercindo.
The besieged had over 900 men (the most optimistic even admit 1200), poorly trained, mostly civilian volunteers descrescidos on military resources.
The besiegers, meanwhile, relied on a 3000 men, put on topping up, in all respects.
But Lapa, rather than endure the siege for 48 or 72 hours, this prodigious epic lasted for the space of 26 days.
Those 26 days, with the Federalists retained around the Legendary without condition to conquer new spaces, contributed, and much to consolidate the nascent Republic.
Among maragatos or federalists, lived four heterogeneous groups.
Wanting to replace Floriano in power, fans Custodio de Mello preached the coup. Already Admiral Saldanha, shape of the Paraguayan War, did not hide his greatest aspiration: to restore the monarchy, surrendering the throne to Princess Elizabeth. The third trend (major, by the way) called for a parliamentary Federalist: were the followers of Gaspar Silveira Martins, a radical. And lastly, libertarians, including warlords coming from Uruguay, with legendary Gumercindo to bear on the role of head of the Liberation Army called.
Facing those days of killing and torture, General Gomes Carneiro and his men defended the established order, the performance of a military duty.
These figures explain why the celebrations of 1994, centered in Lapa, hold a national character.
Various reasons, however, lead some people to cultivate blind antipathy to the memory of those who helped save the Republic.
Floriano is one such victim, and the pretext has been the tragedy of 65 km, when the Baron of Serro Azul and his companions were cruelly murdered.
No mention of crudelíssimos degolamentos also criminals, these people (and no one takes them right to insist) claim that it was all vendetta of woodpeckers. Not wanting to recognize the general Ewerton Frames (one nevropata) responsible for elimination of innocents is worth the nay-sayers (the base of the "given") to launch accusations Floriano, with the goal (conscious or unconscious, do not know) of tarnish the luster of the celebrations of 1994. The truth, however, is quite another. The tragedy of Sierra joined in Paraná, woodpeckers and maragatos.
This is the book of Leoncio Correia, who was the nephew and godson of the Baron, and florianista exalted. The book had
employees belonging to the two sides. Dr. João Cândido Ferreira, captain-doctor of loyalist forces, who assisted the late Gen. Ram, was one of them.
Referring to the firing of the Baron and his friends, definiujoão Cândido the episode as "the most cowardly and most lurid of the most revolting crimes."
The city of Lapa, by decision of the Council of National Historical and Artistic Heritage, considered its architectural heritage and its history, the stage which was the siege of 1894, marked in Brazilian life, has provided the national heritage as Ouro Preto, Olinda , Parati.
Meaning the will of the people of Paraná, the state constitution mandates the creation of 89 commission to promote the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the death of General Carneiro, in February
1994. And the ministry gave the Army Fifth Military Region, which comprises the Parana and Santa Catarina, the honorable and dignified title REGION OF HEROES LAPA, part of its flag.

Francisco Brito Lacerda, lawyer

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.

Stories of Paraná - The leader of the band

Stories of Paraná - The leader of the band

The leader of the band
Lauro Grein Son

The first time I served the motherland was very young.
I walked the 14 years, when the New Athenaeum decided to enroll all fifth years at the School of Military Instruction 350, attached to the College.
Was arranged so that the uniform "khaki" in tailoring "civil and military, leggings factory Ewaldo the Praça Rui Barbosa, his cap in a store André de Barros, and tunic, breeches and Buskin, the day and time certain, attended haughty and proud to the exigencies of the service.
There were exercises united order, physical education, marches, firing line, a schedule strictly adhered to,
the end of which I have granted a certificate and that nothing has served me and cost me nothing.
Well why, two years later, in 1937, with another new uniform and leggings, I repay my duty military barracks in Tyre 19, Rio Branco.
Existed at the time two options:
- Coritiba and 19. The first, aristocratic, met students and academics, fine people of the city, the second popular and democratic, sheltered mainly laborers, workers, staff of the districts and colonies. My decision was influenced by the latter by tradition, history, and judge him more important, Shooting War, rather than the School of Military Instruction 321, as it was called Coritiba.
Others, Francisco Accioly the Marcal Justen, Bartolomeu Alberto Marques and colleagues at the Athenaeum had preferred the previous year and thought it should be right.
The 19 worked on the block now occupied by juaíra Theatre, entrance on street Tibagy.
The instructions were evening ae Monday to Saturday in the barracks, and Sunday morning, on the streets or in the alleys of the Public Garden.
The discipline was preserved in threats and screams of the commander, Lieutenant Ascendino to accuse us of hunters books, donkeys, frogs and lunatics.
Guardo and remember my number, 45, the armory, the parades, the instructions field, sergeants Baptist Acyr, Laurentino, cable Dacheux Wilson Pereira, and colleagues, the Odilon the Anfrísio, Amaral, the Lamberg the Darret.
I also remember what happened to me on the last day.
Had seen in a parade of Coritiba, Moacyr Martins, my friend Ermelino, isolated marching in front of the troops, no backpack and no rifle.
Evolved loose and comfortable, with easy rear drums, owner of alignment, step and everything, while others danced back there if the weight of weapons, gadgets and surveillance.
In every corner Moacyr raised his right arm and a volley elegant and authoritative indicated the direction of the new direction.
He was the "Head Band", and thought his position was a highlight of the series.
We were ready for the big march foreclosure course of 30 kilometers, valid as final proof. Captain responsible for the inspection had already arrived and the shooters ultimavam their preparations, all armed and equipped.
Everyone but me.
Spoken with Amaral, who led rufava the box and the drums, informing him that he had been appointed "Head Band" and with that march in front of them and the entire Company.
Good square just admitted without further questions, caring little about the strange novelty.
All fair and perfect, antegozava have my perks, free and clear of the load uncomfortable when a firm voice surprised me in the courtyard: - "Shooter". I turned in an instant.
Was Captain Harold Bizerril: - "Where is your gun?"
- "I do not need Captain, I am the Chief of the Band."
- "Grab your rifle and go with him in tow."
Besides the shame and the rifle also took a tremendous disadvantage because not having ensarilhar whom the gun, it had to look, even the pillows of self-schedules.
And I have never been "Head Band".

Lauro Grein Son, Medico, president of the Center for Arts of Paraná

Source: Stories of Paraná, Brasil.